RFID tags are becoming popular for their effectiveness and reliability for access control applications, as well as their real-time visibility solutions which can boost overall efficiency levels. A wide spectrum of industries have begun to rely on RFID tags, with millions sold across North America alone each year. There are a variety of RFID options available that have differing operating ranges and features that can match your unique needs. However, it is important to understand RFID best practices in order to ensure proper system performance.
At EMX, we offer a range of different RFID solutions that will meet your specifications. Quality is paramount with our RFID tags, but it’s essential that you understand best practices so that these products are optimized for peak functionality. Here, we will dive into our top tips for RFID best practices so you can understand the best fit for you. Explore our guide and then connect with our experts to see how we can help you.
Our Top RFID Best Practices for Optimal Results
Carefully Consider the RFID Tag Mounting Surface
One of the most important factors that influences the performance of your RFID tag is the mounting surface — specifically, the material of the mounting surface. You must carefully consider what type of surface to mount the tag on. For instance, most tags must not be mounted on metal or liquid. It may not seem like a problem, but since the human body is 75% water, holding a tag in your hand will severely decrease its range. Let’s take a closer look at a few specific RFID tags to see how they work best.

Windshield Tags
Windshield tags are a popular option that are designed to be mounted on glass. They must be kept at least 2 inches away from metal, which includes the frame that surrounds the windshield. Take extra caution because some windshields have a metalized coating that aids in window tinting, so if your vehicle has this feature, you must ensure your tag isn’t mounted close by.

Viper Tag
Another option is the Viper tag. These are capable of being mounted on multiple surfaces. They don’t have to be solely mounted on glass and can be mounted on the non-metal part of headlights instead. Just like the windshield tag, the viper tag must be kept at least 2 inches away from metal. In addition to headlights, you can also mount the viper tag on the underside of a side mirror. An extremely versatile option, the viper tag is perfect for difficult-to-tag materials.

Hang Tags
Hang tags are another option that are meant to be hanging freely in the air with nothing flat against them. They can easily hook over the rear view mirror so that they are readily visible without being obtrusive. Still keep the mounting surface material in mind here, though. They should not be placed against your dashboard and should instead hang in the air.
Think About Orientation
Another RFID best practice is to carefully consider where the tag reader is mounted. It should be mounted at least 18 inches away from any surface like concrete or metal. For a complete solution, turn to EMX. We sell an RFID mounting stanchion pedestal, which is a large vertical pole on which you can mount the reader. Consider another option: the RFID ceiling/wall mount, which is a bracket that sticks out from the wall.
Reader orientation is also another incredibly important RFID best practice. In order to optimize communication between the reader and the tag, these two products should be oriented parallel to each other. This means that the reader should be able to see the face of the tag. Instead of perpendicular orientation, the reader and tag should be parallel to one another or the read range will be reduced.

You must also consider vertical or horizontal orientation. For the most part, there are two types of RFID readers: linear and circular polarized readers. Tag orientation is much more important in a linear polarized reader, such as the Patriot-L. With the wrong orientation, you may risk misreads and a diluted range. In contrast, a circular polarized reader like the Patriot-E is slightly less sensitive and has a read range of 18 to 25 feet. This reduced sensitivity allows for enhanced flexibility and forgiveness in your orientation and can help simplify set-up.
Not sure which you need? Don’t worry — we’re here to help.
EMX Can Help You Explore RFID Best Practices
At EMX, we’re dedicated to helping our customers find their ideal RFID solution. With our expert knowledge of RFID best practices, like surface mounting materials and reader orientation, we can ensure your products are fully optimized for your needs. Reach out to our team today for personalized support in finding your RFID tag.